Awake! Realise Your Divinity!

by Swami Chidananda

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Book Code: EC65
Paperback: xvi+339 pages
ISBN: 8170521548
Book Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.75 inches
Shipping Weight: 400 grams

Table of Contents

About This Book (Back Cover)  
Publisher’s Note  
1. Keep open the door of your heart 2
2. Nothing is impossible for faith & sincerity 8
3. One-pointed aspiration for God alone 10
4. Completing One’s Spirituality 13
5. Proximity to God: The essence of Spiritual life 15
6. Worship that is dear to the Lord 18
7. Have divinity in your mind and heart 21
8. Subjective dimension of Prayer 23
9. Wisdom makes devotion fruitful 29
10. The folly of Ego 35
11. Your real problem 42
12. A time for intense introspection 49
13. Adding our effort to God’s Grace 54
14. Let Idealism be born in the Human Heart 58
15. Strength & Humility 64
16. The Key To Your Transformation 66
17. Affirm Truth Reject Untruth 72
18. True Sannyasa 76
19. The offering that will delight the Guru 82
20. See God in all 85
21. Reverence to the Guru means following his instructions 90
22. Heaven & Hell are within us 92
23. What Gurudev is for us 94
24. Understand your life 99
25. Does the Guru ever die? 102
26. Obedience is better than reverence 105
27. His Golden Teachings 111
28. The Vision of Divine Life 117
29. Serve to Purify, Kill the little “I” 122
30. The country is independent, but are we free? 125
31. The Divine Insurance Company 131
32. The Divine Advent 137
33. A Good Beginning 140
34. Meaning of Idealism 145
35. Claim your birthright 152
36. Feeling the suffering of others 159
37. The Quintessence of the Spiritual Quest 162
38. The Art & Science of being rooted in the One 165
39. Awakening! Illumining! Liberating! 169
40. How will we manifest the Divine power? 175
41. The All-conquering Power 180
42. Sadhana means active effort 184
43. What is the background of your thought? 190
44. What is the Greatest Victory? 195
45. Constantly be victorious over all Undivine forces 200
46. What self should be given expression? 203
47. The right moment to begin anew 208
48. Ask: What am I living for? 212
49. Live in the Light 217
50. You are the Light 221
51. Can we rejoice always? 228
52. Obedience to the highest law 230
53. The Divine Commander 235
54. Essential ingredients of a Victorious Spiritual life 239
55. The Assurance of Victory 242
56. Never Despair 246
57. The Great Assurance 249
58. The Gita Yoga 255
59. Being & Doing 260
60. The Divine Trinity 262
61. Their Fiery Call to us 268
62. The Call of the Great Ones 275
63. Thy Kingdom Come 279
64. Hunger & Thirst after Righteousness 283
65. Thy Will be done 287
66. Heaven is where God is 293
67. Vratas : Their Spiritual significance 297
68. True Worship of Lord Visvanatha 300
69. Take a stand 304
70. True Spirituality transforms 311
71. Making your Spiritual Life whole 316
72. Let Your Life be a witness to the Divine reality 321
Index of Special Occasions 325
Glossary 328


This volume is a selection of early morning meditation talks given on thesesacred days, and other special occasions, by the President of The Divine Life Society,H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. They were given in the sacred Samadhi Hall of theillustrious Founder of the Society, His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, atSivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India. These early morning meditation talks of SwamiChidanandaji Maharaj are completely Sadhana based and are guidelines for all devotees,explained in a simple way, and are a real inspiration for aspirants who are pining forthe life eternal.

Sanskrit language words have been put in italics. Normally their meaning can beunderstood by the context or their English equivalent which follows within commas orparenthesis. Otherwise, the meaning can be understood by referring to the Glossary.


The whole year for the Indians is built around sacred days of worship of the various expressions of the One, Non-dual Divine Reality. This volume is a selection of early morning meditation talks given on these sacred days, and other special occasions, by the president of The Divine Life Society, H. H. Sri Swami Chidananda Maharaj. They were given in the sacred Samadhi Hall of the illustrious founder of the Society, His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, at Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India. These early morning meditation talks of Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj are completely Sadhana based and are guidelines for all devotees, explained in a simple way, and are a real inspiration for aspirants who are pining for the life eternal.

Two other widely acclaimed volumes of Swami Chidananda’s meditation talks—Ponder These Truths and A Call to Liberation—were published earlier. The talks contained in this book were given during the period 1988 to 1999 and were reserved for this unique publication. Like the talks in the two preceding volumes, these powerful messages will be found to be highly beneficial and inspiring to seekers from all faiths. Swamiji uses these special occasions as an opportunity to urge his listeners to renew their aspiration and striving for the goal of life, God-realization. In addition, many of the talks give new and penetrating insights into the occasions that inspired them.

Sanskrit language words have been put in italics. Normally their meaning can be understood by the context or their English equivalent which follows within commas or parenthesis. Otherwise, the meaning can be understood by referring to the Glossary.



Oh Man! With every Sun-rise and every Sun-set, one day of your life is lost. By so much, your span of life has been shortened. In so much less time you have to do what ever you have to do. Therefore Arise! Awake! Do not postpone. Be up and doing. Be active upon the spiritual path.

Wake up, open your eyes and behold God before you in this manifest creation. He lives and moves in the form of all creatures from superior man to tiny insect. Live to serve and adore the living God. Let life become your dynamic worship of the divinity that indwells all beings.

Gurudev Swami Sivananda reminds you of your divinity, you are a radiant ray of the Eternal Light of lights, a child of God. Therefore make your life Divine with purity, truth and compassion, with selfless service, love for God, daily meditation and realisation. May all success attend upon you in the sublime task of divine life!


The Millennium Period

Talk 1
The New Year Talk 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Sri Mahasivaratri (The all night worship of Lord Siva in February or early March) Talk 8
Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Jayanti (The birth of Sri Krishna Chaitanya, full moon day in March) Talk 9, 10, 11
Lunar New Year (mid March to mid April) Talk 12, 13
Sri Rama Navami (The birth of Lord Rama, late March or April) Talk 14
Sri Hanuman Jayanti (The birth of Hanuman, late March or April) Talk 15
Sri Buddha Jayanti (The birth of Lord Buddha, full moon day in May) Talk 16
Sri Adi Sankaracharya Jayanti (The birth of Sankara, the founder of the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta or absolute monism) Talk 17
Anniversary of Sannyasa Diksha of H.H. Sri Swami Sivananda (June 1) Talk 18
Guru Purnima (Worship of the guru, full moon day in July) Talk 19, 20, 21
Sadhana Week (Following Guru Purnima) Talk 22
Punyatithi Aradhana of H.H. Sri Swami Sivananda (Worship on the anniversary of the passing of H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, the illustrious founder of The Divine Life Society, usually eight days after Guru Purnima) Talk 23, 24, 25
Thursday—Weekly Guru Puja Day Talk 26, 27, 28, 29
India’s Independence Day (August 15) Talk 30
Rakshabandhan (Full moon day in August) Talk 31
Sri Krishna Jayanti (The birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth day after the August full moon) Talk 32
Sri Ganesha Chaturthi (The worship of Lord Ganesha, the fourth day after the new moon late August or September) Talk 33
The visit of the President of India to Sivananda Ashram Talk 34, 35
Sri Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti (The birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, October 2nd) Talk 36
Sri Navaratri Puja (The nine-day worship of the Divine mother, late September or October) Talk 37, 38, 39, 42
Friday—Weekly Divine Mother Puja Day Talk 40, 41
Vijaya Dasami (The day of victory following Navaratri) Talk 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
Dipavali (The festival of lights, new moon day October-November) Talk 49, 50, 51
Sri Bali Puja (The day following Dipavali) Talk 52
Sri Skanda Shashthi (The six-day worship of Lord Skanda or Karthikeya) Talk 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
Sri Bhagavad Gita Jayanti (The anniversary of the Bhagavad Gita Discourse late November or December) Talk 58, 59
Sri Dattatreya Jayanti (The birth of Lord Dattatreya, full moon day, December) Talk 60
December worships (The message of the Bhagavad Gita, Dattatreya and Jesus) Talk 61, 62
Christmas (The birth of Lord Jesus) Talk 63, 64, 65, 66
Ekadasi (The eleventh day of the lunar fortnight, normally a day of fasting) Talk 67
Pratishtha Mahotsava of Sri Visvanatha Mandir (The anniversary of the installation of the deities in the Visvanatha Temple, December 31, 1943) Talk 68
The Year End Talk 69, 70, 71, 72

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